It could have been a past experience that made one want to abstain or become celibate. This personal decision can and will impact the next person they are with, but this shouldn’t be looked at as a punishment, but instead as a learning and growing experience. Someone once said that if you want the same results, do things the same. If you want different results, do things differently. The relationship did not work well with sex, so let’s see how one will work with less emphasis on sex. It can be argued that this may be a waste of time because you don’t know if you will marry them or if you will be with them for a long time. OK, you don’t know, but you don’t have to stay either. The moment you find out that you are going into a celibate relationship, that is when you can make your decision on whether you want to stay or not. You are not in the relationship alone and it is not just your time. Both of you are putting in time and work so, a loss or gain in this relationship impacts all parties involved.
I can understand that when you are attracted to someone physically you may want to be with them physically, and the more you become attracted to that person, inside and out, the more you may want to be with them in every way. Just because the other person is celibate doesn’t mean that the feelings aren’t mutual. They are resisting urges just like you are. You guys could do foreplay, oral, toys or masturbate to help relieve these urges (depending on how you define your celibacy), but until you guys are ready, you have to fight temptation. I know this can be hard to do in a relationship, but it is not impossible or unreasonable. Just think, this person is not running the streets, is selective about who they sleep with and has put a value on themselves and wants to make sure that others value it, too. To let you have them entirely means that they value you as well. This should be something to be relieved about! It is not a punishment, an insult or a waste of time, it is a reward, an honor and a sign of vulnerability once the refrain is over. It is the icing on the cake!
All the best,