This can happen in a relationship as well. You give and give and give, they take and take and take and never give as much as you. You are willing to do more than them, you pay more attention to them and their wants and needs than they pay attention to you, you give more time, make yourself more available than them and so forth. This happens more than often and most times can last longer than it should. It usually takes something that one partner really cared about that the other overlooked for something like this to be noticed. If this is something you experience, it is time to establish a tolerance level.
In some cases, it isn’t that your spouse does not care or does not give as much as you, but instead they give more in other areas that you may not. Whether that is the case or not, if you see this as an issue, it is time to think about what are deal breakers. Is it ok that he or she does not dedicate enough attention to certain areas or to you? Can it be resolved? It is important to let them know that this is an issue. Never expect things to get better between you and your love if you do not address the issue and attempt to work out a solution. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it wasn’t mastered without a plan in mind either.
If you have made it clear that there was an issue in your relationship bank and your withdrawal still does not equal your deposit, it may be time to pull out altogether. Some things cannot be fixed. Some things aren’t huge enough issues to leave over either, but if you feel that your bank statement is seriously making you unhappy and there is no resolution, I am sure that you can find a better, more secure home with another private bank.
All the best,
****This photo was borrowed from http://martyrpriest.com/tag/grace/ . Please click on the photo to be redirected to the site.